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Wesley Thio


Welcome to my personal website! This page is a portfolio of my experience in industry, research, and personal projects

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Professional Background

M.S University of Michigan: Electrical and Computer Engineering (2022)

B.S The Ohio State University: Electrical and Computer Engineering (2018)

I’m a product marketing manager with a strong foundation in engineering research. My expertise lies in developing and presenting technical materials—from blog posts and datasheets to customer-facing presentations—while overseeing the product lifecycle for cutting-edge lab equipment in the biotechnology sector.

At my core, I am an engineering researcher driven by a mission to develop innovative technology that enables the next groundbreaking discovery. My journey began in high school with a passion for chaotic circuits, especially Chua’s Circuit. This eventually blossomed into a dozen scientific publications, several patents, and a co-authored textbook. Today, I continue to balance my passion for research while developing my business acumen. I am always open to new collaborations, especially those that push the boundaries of science and technology!

Associate Product Marketing Manager
BioDot, Inc
Sept 2023 - Present

Associate Product Manager
Advantech Co.
Dec 2022 - May 2023

AI accelerator hardware research
University of Michigan
Jul 2020 - Jun 2022

Wearable fabric batteries research
The Ohio State University
Jul 2016 - Aug 2018

Chaotic circuits research
Started 2014



"Elegant Circuits is a good jump-off point for chaotic circuits, one that is accessible and practical. And while the essence of this book is down to earth, it will point your way to the clouds as well."
- Electronic Design News
This book presents a collection of the simplest chaotic circuits, organized by fundamental electronic components such as diodes, transistors and memristors. It provides an in-depth exploration of the work done in the existing literature along with details of their operation. The book additionally includes our original research contributions such as new simplifications to classic chaotic circuits and novel circuits featuring solid-state memristors.
Order now at
Sprott, J. C., & Thio, W. J. C. (2022). Elegant Circuits: Simple Chaotic Oscillators. World Scientific


Co, A. & Thio, W. (2024). Flexible self-powered materials for on-demand generation of hydrogen peroxide (U.S Patent No. 17/874,198). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Prakash, S., Subramaniam, V. V., Sen, C., Kiourti, A., Steiner, S., Ghatak, P. D., ... & Thio, W. J. C. (2022). Energy Generation from fabric electrochemistry (U.S. Patent No. 11,411,227). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
李春彪, 徐玉杰, 张裕成, 赵益波, 梅永 (2020). Self-regulating chaotic signal source (Patent No. CN107317668B). State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
李春彪, 张裕成, 王雄, 胡文 (2018). Simple three-dimensional amplitude modulable chaotic signal generator (Patent No. CN105846991B). State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
李春彪, 张裕成, 朱焕强 (2018) Single argument control simulation gated circuit (Patent No. CN106100630B). State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China
李春彪, 张裕成, 胡文, 王雄 (2018) AM hyperchaotic signal source (Patent No. CN105871535B). State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China  


Yoo, S., Park, Y., Wang, Z., Wu, Y., Medepalli, S., Thio, W., & Lu, W. D. (2022). Columnar learning networks for multisensory spatiotemporal learning. Advanced Intelligent Systems, 4(11), 2200179.
Huang, W. C., Chen, P. H., Lin, C. Y., Zheng, H. X., Chen, H. C., Ciou, F. M., ... Thio, W. & Chang, T. C. (2021). Abnormal hump in low temperature in SiGe devices with silicon capping insertion layer. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 54(41), 415105.
Robey, D. E., Thio, W., Iu, H. H., & Eshraghian, J. K. (2021, May). Naturalizing neuromorphic vision event streams using generative adversarial networks. In 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Li, C., Sprott, J. C., Thio, W., & Gu, Z. (2021). A simple memristive jerk system. IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 15(4), 388-392.
Baek, S., Eshraghian, J. K., Thio, W., Sandamirskaya, Y., Iu, H. H., & Lu, W. D. (2020). Live demonstration: video-to-spike conversion using a real-time retina cell network simulator. In 2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) (pp. 131-131). IEEE.
Baek, S., Eshraghian, J. K., Thio, W., Sandamirskaya, Y., Iu, H. H., & Lu, W. D. (2020). A real-time retinomorphic simulator using a conductance-based discrete neuronal network. In 2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS) (pp. 79-83). IEEE.
Sprott, J. C., & Thio, W. J. (2020). A chaotic circuit for producing Gaussian random numbers. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 30(08), 2050116.
Minati, L., Gambuzza, L. V., Thio, W. J., Sprott, J. C., & Frasca, M. (2020). A chaotic circuit based on a physical memristor. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 138, 109990.
Li, C., Akgul, A., Sprott, J. C., Iu, H. H., & Thio, W. J. C. (2018). A symmetric pair of hyperchaotic attractors. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 46(12), 2434-2443.
Vilkhu, R., Thio, W. J. C., Ghatak, P. D., Sen, C. K., Co, A. C., & Kiourti, A. (2018). Power generation for wearable electronics: Designing electrochemical storage on fabrics. IEEE Access, 6, 28945-28950.
Li, C., Thio, W. J. C., Sprott, J. C., Iu, H. H. C., & Xu, Y. (2018). Constructing infinitely many attractors in a programmable chaotic circuit. IEEE Access, 6, 29003-29012.
Li, C., Thio, W. J. C., Iu, H. H. C., & Lu, T. (2018). A memristive chaotic oscillator with increasing amplitude and frequency. IEEE Access, 6, 12945-12950.
Li, C. B., Thio, W. J. C., Sprott, J. C., Zhang, R. X., & Lu, T. A. (2017). Linear synchronization and circuit implementation of chaotic system with complete amplitude control. Chinese Physics B, 26(12), 120501.
Tan, C., Bashian, N. H., Hemmelgarn, C. W., Thio, W. J., Lyons, D. J., Zheng, Y. F., ... & Co, A. C. (2017). Ex-situ and in-situ observations of the effects of gamma radiation on lithium ion battery performance. Journal of Power Sources, 357, 19-25.
Munmuangsaen, B., Sprott, J. C., Thio, W. J. C., Buscarino, A., & Fortuna, L. (2015). A simple chaotic flow with a continuously adjustable attractor dimension. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 25(12), 1530036.
Li, C., Sprott, J. C., & Thio, W. (2015). Linearization of the Lorenz system. Physics Letters A, 379(10-11), 888-893.
Li, C., Sprott, J. C., Thio, W., & Zhu, H. (2015, August). A unique signum switch for chaos and hyperchaos. In Proc. 7th International Conference on Physics and Control (PhysCon 2015), Istanbul, Turkey.
Li, C., Sprott, J. C., Thio, W., & Zhu, H. (2014). A new piecewise linear hyperchaotic circuit. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 61(12), 977-981.
Li, C., Sprott, J. C., & Thio, W. (2014). Bistability in a hyperchaotic system with a line equilibrium. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 118, 494-500.